Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Does Butal Causeimpotence

Random Thoughts # 6

Mean Streets (1973)
Scorsese sharpening their weapons for what will be a little later one of the finest American film filmography and more. A film solid and secure deals with so many tragedies, interior and social. The crisis of the religious, the crisis of personal identity and ethnic identity. The desire to change clashes with the reality that look like chains that make impossible any movement indestructible. The habit and resignation to it is a cancer that kills slowly. Extraordinary actors.

Brancaleone's Army (1966)
A film that ages well, like good wine. There is much more than pure entertainment, comedy is a polemic, attentive and sharp. Irrenefrenabile a cascade of sharp sarcasm that shows the average Italian is always the same in his habits and his infamous but now indistinguishable "art of getting by." A title is a legend. Brancaleone's Army as a way of life and a line of thought. Unforgettable, a film that made history.

Darling Clementine (1946)
Ford began to explore the philosophy of "distance" from one end, from their land, from your family.
a distant momentaneamemte bypassed by other purposes that do not manage to cover the void of missing the opportunities lost and faces never seen again. The action is pure poetry, the characters have a dignity and integrity that only Ford could give as an end without in falsehood, and are accompanied by an aura of mysticism as in a lyrical and romantic, but even so the material. And then, what a beautiful name that is Clementine.

Stray Dog (1949)
very solid noir directed by Kurosawa with cunning. More than a history of men is more a story of a city, Tokyo. The search for the gun has a metaphorical sense all clear whether collected in the interest of the film, a bit 'less clear if you look into the details of the narrative. And 'in fact the whole who stray dog \u200b\u200bis caught, the search for a city like Tokyo, its suburbs and slums to find an identity in between tradition and innovation.

Phantom Lady (1944)
One of the highlights of the 40's film noir. Siodmak riprone successfully dirty atmosphere of The Killers giving a highlight film of the genre. Hits for his cunning in playing with the script to the storyline. Although the characters seem a bit 'stereotyped three-dimensional and have feelings.


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