Monday, October 4, 2010

Wheelchair Wiring Diograms

Simon Of The Desert (1965)

A film by Luis Buñuel. With Claudio Brook, Enrique Alvarez Felix, Hortensia Santavenere Episode Simón del Desierto. Fantastic , b / w 42 min duration. - Mexico 1965.

Simon, a hermit who for 8 years, 8 months and 8 days living on a stone column in penance, poverty and prayer, is, or rather should, for what the Christian faith is perfect. But perfection, you know, belongs only to God, and that's why Simon, in effect proves to be a failure as a man and a Christian. The man who foolishly believe they get close to perfection even bypassing the Christian Church (Simon, rejects the priestly orders), the body that considers the mystery without Bunuel nemesis of the figure of Christ.
When a man decides, deliberately, to live the Christians to the dictates letters, though lit by crystal clear principles, it is still a human being, imperfect and limited, but even more vulnerable to worldly temptations. What Jesus taught is never to escape life but to live by adopting its principles. And when Simon finds himself in the midst of life, when actually alive and feels and perceives and absorbs the pulsations and vibrations of life, what does it do? We can not know. The film ends production problems so enigmatic. To those who believe and who not, are given the privilege to decide the fate of Simon, the sinner becomes a "living" or return to his spiritual journey away from the life that God has made for mankind after all? Life just
, or Satan, or the attractive woman, the mischievous student, the busty bearded lady ... so many times, a single purpose: Simon groped. We will succeed or fail? We can not know.
What is certain is that Simon of the desert is just as profane is sacred, and especially dismantled piece by piece, cut surgically the figure of the priest, destroy the Christian concept of the spirit distinct from the body, mind over body. A spirit that does not live with the body at the end is weak and the priesthood can be considered a refuge, a way to escape from the world, a column, an ivory tower where can you protect yourself from life. Demolishes one of the pillars of the Church on earth.
God after all, became man, he was flesh, lived, ate and drank, did not mind the company of friends, good laughs, and Bunuel presses and ride all the controversy went over from Simon ' end of the twentieth century, a time of revelry and lust, where it is difficult to believe that the values \u200b\u200bof Christianity can be applied, and the final cut of the clear distinction between the two points (spirituality and carnality) creates two corresponding groups, people living its too escaping the spiritual life to escape from the difficulties and working despite knowing the rules of Christ and who ignores these rules and live life with complete and utter materiality. And who's in the middle? Perhaps they are the real Christians. But a film like a mystery, it is very difficult to decipher and extract answers. It 's a mystery, as God, as the soul.
Bunuel not intimidated by this mystery, and now with Nazarin Simon tells two men fought with spirit and soul on which leave to dominate on the track and his perspective but as always, the complete absence of moral leaves everyone free to give the solution that comes closest to your idea of \u200b\u200breligion, spirit, God or whatever, While recognizing the importance of being eternal doubt and a margin of uncertainty in sceltra between soul and body. Life as a temptation, a sin, but still life. But we must be strong enough to survive, perhaps this is the teaching of Jesus, too abused, ignored, misrepresented. Bunuel in some way, try to do some 'order of thinking to a Christianity that goes beyond the Church.


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