Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cysitc Fibrosis: Genotype

humble and insistent

In his humanity, Jesus is tired. The people pressed on all sides during the day and he often spent the night praying and talking with his Father in heaven. Every so often, he wanted to retire and stay in peace with the disciples.

Once before he tried to do so and instead was found in front of a crowd of over ten thousand people, who wanted to listen and was ready to make him king. He had given

to eat at all. A nice kind of rest!

episode today, is in Syria, in the territory of Tyre and Sidon. It closes with the disciples in a house and wants to remain incognito. Impossible!

A pagan woman finds out. Her daughter is tormented by a demon and she runs to Jesus for help. Yells at him breathlessly. I want to chase away the disciples, in the knowledge that Jesus had told them that he came only to the lost sheep of Israel, but she does not go away.

They ask the Lord to make it stop. But she insists, he threw himself at the feet of the Master and continued his supplication.

Jesus not satisfied now, evidently wants to put test (not the only person that did it). The addresses of the words might seem harsh: "Let the children first be filled, because it is good to take the children's bread and throw it to dogs" (Mark 7:27). The children were Jews, the Gentiles were dogs. The woman could be offended, but the need is too great. So do not give up.

is true: it is not Jewish, it's just a heathen. It can not have any right, as they were those who belonged to the camp of God's people So it begs to be treated like a dog and at least enjoy the privileges of a dog. Dogs do not eat at the table with the owner, but are content the crumbs that fall on the floor. A bit of grace was enough.

Jesus exclaims: "Woman, great is thy faith: be done as you want. For this word, it should be ', the demon has left your daughter ".

The woman comes home. Her daughter is healed and peaceful sleep. We are like the

. As sinners we have no right to assert meritorious before God No work can make us acceptable to Him if it were not for his grace, we would all be without hope. Lost and condemned to hell.

But his grace is offered to all. Have you accepted?

You can read this story in Matthew 15:21-28 and Mark 7:24-30.


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