Thursday, December 30, 2010

What Does Ringworm Healing Look Like

What are the differences between you and us? Finally

We end the year by taking a great little lesson in personal evangelism by the Lord Jesus, in his conversation with a Samaritan woman. It is a well-known episode and I will not dwell on all the details. There is much to write about.

Jesus is tired and stops near a well, while his disciples to go into a village to buy food. I am in Samaria, an area where the Jews were not appreciated.

A woman comes hot. Bring a pitcher to draw water. She's a little BenVista in his village because he has an immoral life. She had five husbands and now lives. If he lived today, would probably find a prominent place in a gossip magazine and would be absolutely à la page. So the views were different, even if the gossip is probably not lacking in his favor.

The Lord Jesus begins a conversation by asking and talking about drinking water would take away all the wonderful spiritual thirst. She is surprised and asks him. Jesus said

point-blank: "Go call your husband."

She confesses her state, and when he realizes that the speech goes on and gets deeply religious and serious, tries to divert the conversation.

In this, things have not changed. Today when we witness to our faith in the Word of God and in Jesus as the only Saviour, the classic question that comes to us is: "What are the differences between you and us?". If you throw in religion, you go on a neutral ground. Your ideas as my digging!

Accurate: the Samaritan woman asks: "But you have to worship in Jerusalem or here on our mountain?". What are the differences?

Jesus explains a lot gently that things were changing: there would no longer be a need to worship in the temple in masonry, but the true worshipers would worship in Spirit (that is, by the power of the Holy Spirit) and the truth of the Word of God and the new fact that the Messiah would be established. Then he said very clearly that the Messiah had him

The Samaritan woman, at that point, all spring, Secchia, well, conversation and runs to the village to tell who had met the Messiah. She was transformed!

So: where is the lesson of Jesus' personal evangelism?

in two main points. Jesus spoke clearly to the woman, though very gently, of his sin. If you do not have the courage to tell people who are hopeless sinners, not worth speaking to them of salvation. If you do not realize they are lost and on the road to hell, from what you would wish to be saved?

Then, the second point, Jesus is not bogged down in discussions on the various temples, sacrifices, the Jewish traditions and the Samaritans (now is not that much to talk about the Pope, saints and Madonnas, which give very little importance), but presented himself as the Messiah, the liberator and savior.

about him and we highlight what he said and did. Let's say that was and is God who became incarnate, was born in Bethlehem, he did not commit Sin, who died for our sins and rose again. If we do it with love and compassion, the Lord will use for the benefit of relatives and friends.

the way, is about to leave the new edition of "But tell me '... there are still differences between Catholics and Protestants? ". It is a book that I wrote years ago, easy and convenient. Explain the basic differences between the Bible and the official religion of our country, and any other religion. Ask me. It's cheap: only € 3.50.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sore Throat At 37 Weeks Pregnant

could look up

time ago in a street near our office, I saw a woman turn up the incredible, he was on the zebra crossing.

"Madam, can I help?" I asked.

"Thank you, I'm used to," she said. He continued, unable to see around him and oblivious to the dangers of traffic.

I did come to mind a woman named in the Gospel of Luke (13:10-17), sick for eighteen years, unable to bend and straighten.

Log, a Saturday, in the synagogue where Jesus was teaching. He knew that God wanted the Jews listen to God's law and she was faithful to attend this sacred place. It was hard going, but she wanted to do the right thing. He could see only the floor, but he could hear the Word of God (A good example for those who, though only has a small boubou avoid going to hear the Word of God and worship on Sundays! Too much trouble to move. So, you can also pray at home!).

sees Jesus among all people, calls it, puts his hands on her and tells her: "Woman, you are freed from your infirmity."

She immediately got up, and explodes in praise to God For eighteen years he was crippled and now his bones take their rightful place, the joints melt. How wonderful!

general was to be expected an explosion of praise from all sides. Instead only a portion of these welcomes.

I found religious objection to heal a person is a job and God does not want to work on Saturday. The Sabbath is holy! The head of the synagogue is furious: "There are six days to work: you come to heal them, and not on Saturday." Some people are master in using the Bible according to its comfortable. These men hated and envied Jesus and tried to hit him with the weapons of law, citing the Bible to hurt him.

Jesus curtly: "You hypocrites! Do not bring your ox to drink on Saturday, as the law allows? Tie and lead to water is probably not a job? And this woman, daughter of Abraham, that Jewish faith and conviction, which was bound by Satan for eighteen years with a disease deforming, could not be untied on the Sabbath? ".

No replies by the religious, just shame.

What is striking is that in a crowded synagogue, Jesus has identified that very needy woman, she must have known personally, and perhaps has even stopped his teaching important to care for her. He knew how long he was in that condition, he saw in his heart, he knew everything.

Do the same with me, with you and all human beings. Law within us, sees our weaknesses, faults and sins. He calls us individually, offers us his grace and intervenes as needed. "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest " says.

If all human beings began to pray together, listen and respond to each individual each. You have allowed Jesus to "straighten out"? You know who knows you thoroughly?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cysitc Fibrosis: Genotype

humble and insistent

In his humanity, Jesus is tired. The people pressed on all sides during the day and he often spent the night praying and talking with his Father in heaven. Every so often, he wanted to retire and stay in peace with the disciples.

Once before he tried to do so and instead was found in front of a crowd of over ten thousand people, who wanted to listen and was ready to make him king. He had given

to eat at all. A nice kind of rest!

episode today, is in Syria, in the territory of Tyre and Sidon. It closes with the disciples in a house and wants to remain incognito. Impossible!

A pagan woman finds out. Her daughter is tormented by a demon and she runs to Jesus for help. Yells at him breathlessly. I want to chase away the disciples, in the knowledge that Jesus had told them that he came only to the lost sheep of Israel, but she does not go away.

They ask the Lord to make it stop. But she insists, he threw himself at the feet of the Master and continued his supplication.

Jesus not satisfied now, evidently wants to put test (not the only person that did it). The addresses of the words might seem harsh: "Let the children first be filled, because it is good to take the children's bread and throw it to dogs" (Mark 7:27). The children were Jews, the Gentiles were dogs. The woman could be offended, but the need is too great. So do not give up.

is true: it is not Jewish, it's just a heathen. It can not have any right, as they were those who belonged to the camp of God's people So it begs to be treated like a dog and at least enjoy the privileges of a dog. Dogs do not eat at the table with the owner, but are content the crumbs that fall on the floor. A bit of grace was enough.

Jesus exclaims: "Woman, great is thy faith: be done as you want. For this word, it should be ', the demon has left your daughter ".

The woman comes home. Her daughter is healed and peaceful sleep. We are like the

. As sinners we have no right to assert meritorious before God No work can make us acceptable to Him if it were not for his grace, we would all be without hope. Lost and condemned to hell.

But his grace is offered to all. Have you accepted?

You can read this story in Matthew 15:21-28 and Mark 7:24-30.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Gpsphone Pokemon Leafgreen Cheats

healed and reassured

Jesus at Capernaum and the crowd seems to be pushed around. You just got back from Jerash, the other side of the Sea of \u200b\u200bGalilee, where he healed a man possessed indomitable.

He approaches one of the leaders of the synagogue and begged him to come to his house. Her daughter is sick and dying. Jesus sets out with him and with some disciples. The crowd followed him. The road is narrow and the crowd is almost incredibile.Non you know where to put your feet to walk.

Suddenly, Jesus stops.

"Who touched me?" She asks.

"Master, here you push on all sides ... How do to ask who touched you ... "

" No, I have heard that power has gone out of me! "

Silence. No one talks.

Finally a woman, trembling, approaches him and confesses everything.

She was sick for twelve years of a disease that made her unclean. It was a loss of blood, that no doctor was able to cure. She had spent all he had to heal, but it was worse than ever.

Then it was said: "If I just touch the hem of the dress of that rabbi of Nazareth, I will be healed." He took courage, he was confused in the crowd and barely touched the Lord, he immediately felt that his illness was gone.

Jesus said a reassuring word: "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace. "

not only his body was healed, but his soul was saved. Why did Jesus

forced her to a public confession? Not threatened to shame him in front of everyone?

Certainly not. It never did with those who approached him with humility and faith.

I believe rather that he wanted to reassure her even spiritually. His body was recovered, but he might get sick again. It was important to know that his soul was safe forever.

The health of the body is a good thing, but the spirit is the much more. So I wonder why in our prayer meetings at church people are talking about physical illness and so many cures and wonder we never hear of spiritual healing. Why not please them to stop gossip and slander, envy and discouragement? And that grant of pardon due for years and many end up suspects?

Do you agree? Let me know.

This story is found in Matthew 9:20-22, Luke 8:43-48.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Free Watch Russianbare Tv Net .com

Welcome, or denied entry to strangers (1964)

Director: Elem Klimov
Cast: Viktor Kosykh , Alexei Smirnov, Evgeny Evstigneev , Arina Aljeinikova , Ilya Rutberg Duration: 1:11 h Country: USSR 1964 Genre: Comedy
During a summer camp of the "Soviet Pioneers (organization for children aged 9 to 14 years), a lively boy is expelled, instead of coming home and deal with her grandmother, a devout admirer Khrushev, prefers to hide ...

Elem Klimov, before coming to the proclamation of his love for the absolute world of childhood in 'Go And See "tries his hand here for the first time in telling a story of revolt, however, children adults who should return for a moment to be children. If nothing else, at least to better enjoy the beauty of life and being able to live with more spontaneity.

Even children, beautiful in their simplicity, yet protected from the ugliness of the world through their imagination and their naturalness. Children are consistent with themselves, are true to their nature and are not afraid to show it. If there is one that is interference with the stupidity of adults who believe they must act only through education pedagogy coercive attitudes. And who better than the Soviet education has made this a real pride? So it is not so strange choice of Klimov tell the story of a colony-college which most likely also due to visit him during his childhood.
indulge in laughter or happy without a reason to make gestures that seem silly might be a good antidote to the evil of maturity. Children "Dobro Pozhalovat" could be images or characters or even the director's childhood characters of our childhood.

The beauty of "Pozhalovat Dobro" is not any 'propaganda it' complaint, just a lot of nostalgia for a world that resists fragile but thanks to the genuineness of the gestures and the unlimited ability to bend reality to know fantasy.
Klimov is in love with that world and recognizes its importance and to do this again becomes the child himself, joy and playfulness is gathered from the use of the camera is almost happy that it is almost impossible not to notice a hint of melancholy and bitterness. And then a closed world, made of the secrets of boundless imagination and reinforced in an indecipherable maze of complex emotions and feelings that are vented, however, in an extraordinary way in a candid and direct children. Yes, a world that is welcoming to everyone but which can also be very narrow and if you enter the wrong way sa quit almost hermetic becoming incomprehensible.

"Dobro Pozhalovat" fits well in the transformation post-Stalin Soviet film that almost accidentally becomes more amusing and amused when told to leave certain issues at least unofficially lose all those intentions that are not outdated propaganda outlet on anyone. Cinema becomes a more "Western" without losing its characteristic features. Klimov is a great exponent of change and it is interesting to analyze its evolution over time and has matured as a somewhat 'deeper and more introspective world. Most likely the child in him has become too big or too aware of the evil of the world, and here you get to Florya.

Whatever was on his way, the beginnings of Klimov a child in the adult body (adventurous a dentist should tell us something) and his fun loving film covered by a veil of nostalgia is like a beautiful memory to be held dear. A childhood memory.