Monday, January 24, 2011

Park Cruising Ettiquette

The big Italian family is coming back ... with a surprise! And the bill

Yes, this small window is left ajar for a while ... but only for a while. Just enough time to travel with the mind and heart, just the time to live ... and it is only a minute sometimes, a moment that can last for months. But these taxes now wide open because the time is ripe .... Ready for what you say? Mature
to continue their journey through the streets of true life, that of all days, one of many problems to be solved, that the bills add up quickly, children grow and diminish the prospects that ...
will come back again, as before, and better than before, to talk to the people who represent the Italian family, the Family with a capital "F. Yes, because that is how we see the world ... Perhaps a little exaggerated, with our concern and love that often characterizes relations intrusive household Italians. The family "carnal, passionate, ever-present ... but as lively, warm and safe. That family where you can go, where forgiveness is granted and where a problem is divided by ten ...
This is the family that we want to look, we want you to live and compare. A comparison will also understand what is happening in this period so critical, in which the distortion of values \u200b\u200bthat blend with the difficulties of an economic crisis that is becoming more pronounced.
This "big family" is still a social value for the Italians? It 's still a safe haven to go back? And 'yet that well of energy where to find the strength to solve everyday problems?
Who knows ... We hope and believe that it is. Consider you during the upcoming episodes. We are preparing a surprise ... Do not bother to view!
(of Cri.Orecchini )


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