Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wallpaper Breast Medical


is one week before Easter and Jesus with his disciples, is home to Bethany Martha, Mary and Lazarus, who had recently been raised by the Lord.

There was much talk of that miracle, and many people wanted to see Lazarus. Seeing him, she believed in Jesus and in His power, which gnawed very religious, who feel not only to kill Jesus, but Lazarus as well, to end a good time!

The atmosphere was therefore a bit 'heavy, even the Lord himself had clearly spoken of his imminent death. Anyway, as always, Martha was busy serving and see that everyone was comfortable and treated in the best way.

While everyone was at the table, Maria gets up and goes in search of something. When he returns to his chest tightens an alabaster vase. Breaks it and pours the fragrant oil on the feet of the Lord, who, when, with his hair greasy and dry. The whole house is saturated with the perfume poured out. It was an act of affection, adoration and consecration of total giving to Jesus

Often, that kind of scent that is kept in a sealed jar, was kept by the girls as part of their wedding trousseau. It was probably as Mary was most valuable.

The disciples are surprised and think that this gesture is a huge waste. Judas expresses the thought of all saying "Why was this not sold for three hundred pence, and have not been given to the poor?" . In reality He does not care at all the poor, and John knew it. In his Gospel, wrote then that "he was a thief, holding his bag and took away what I was put in" (12:7).

But it is also true that, in any event, there is always someone criticizing.

The Lord intervened in defense of Mary, had done when he declared that he had done well to stop and listen, instead preoccupasi else. This time, however, his defense is much more detailed and precise. He says: "Leave her alone, she has kept for the day of my burial. Because the poor you always have with you, but me you have not always (12:7,8).

Jesus had seen clearly in the heart of Mary and Mary saw clear about the future. He understood that Jesus would die, but he also realized that he would rise again. So the oil that could be used to embalm the body of Christ, offered him while he was alive. After the death would not be served!

The Evangelist Mark says it very clearly, quoting the words of the Lord: "He has done a beautiful thing to me ... He did what he could, anticipated anointing my body for burial. Truly, I say that all over the world, wherever the gospel is preached, what this woman has done will be told in memory of her " (14:6,8,9)

Maria, I think, was the only person who really believed in the resurrection of the Lord, before this occurs. She had seen him raise his brother and knew that He had said: "I am the resurrection and the life, whoever believes in me, though he die, shall live. And chunque lives and believes in me will never die " (John 11:25,26). So he wanted to honor the living! And what he did is a testimony to us.

We can not repeat his act, but what Jesus said about her is very important to us: "He has done what could ".

Today we witness, assist, encourage, comfort, spreading the Word of God in word and deed, according to our possibilities. We can not all go to Africa or China to witness, but we can do from home. Our actions may not be glamorous, but the Lord will take them into account. Whatever we can say also: "He did what he could" .
. Marta


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